PSGL Recognized For Radio Efforts (click for full article)

(Blog Published by Galcom International, Inc. Radio is something that we take for granted here in North America.  We may flip a switch in the car to hear the latest weather, traffic conditions, or even the news or sport scores from last night.  We are privileged; not all are so lucky. Galcom International has been working with Bob Birtwell  from PSGL (Partners Sharing God’s Love) Radio Network since 2013. They began by working together on a project in Rwanda to distribute radios. These radios had a Bible in English and a New Testament in the local language of Kinyarwanda on them, as well as some music and Global Recordings programs. The next project Galcom worked on with Bob was for Cuba early in 2014. The incredible thing was that some of those radios ended up going to inmates in a prison with the government’s permission! Following that, Bob turned his attention back to Africa and, for the next three years, Galcom partnered with Bob sending audio Bibles to Uganda and Zambia. These Impax players had several languages on them, including Acholi, Ateso, Bemba, Chitonga, Dinka Rek, English, Karamojong, Kumam, Lango, Luo, Maasai, Madi, Nuer, Sudanese, Arabic and Swahili. Some of the radios went to Adjumani, the refugee camp in northern Uganda where refugees from the civil war in South Sudan have fled. Many Ugandans and Zambians from these countries are responding with thankfulness for their local radio station and the Gospel message that they are able to hear. These people are growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ because of the radio station and Galcom radios. Many...

VIDEO: PSGL in Adjumani, Uganda

With special thanks to a number of very special PSGL donors, we have been able to distribute hundreds of Solar Radios to the very needy villagers of South Sudan who have escaped from the slaughter of the warring Dinka & Nuer tribes, to find safety in Uganda. Watch the video below: Donate...